Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ubuntu Wallpapers Collection

Here is a collection of Ubuntu based wallpapers that I have done. Click on each image to view a larger version.
Ubuntu Go Beyond Windows Wallpaper
Ubuntu Simple Wallpaper
Xubuntu+ Fast Equals Good Wallpaper
Ubuntu Orange Wallpaper
Ubuntu Swirls Green Wallpaper
Ubuntu Swirls Blue Wallpaper
Ubuntu Swirls Brown Wallpaper
Ubuntu Chocolate Wallpaper
Here are some photographs that I took with my Kodak 2 Megapixel camera.
August Sunset Wallpaper
Ducks Sunrise Wallpaper
Seagull Wallpaper
You can find a mirror of all these wallpapers at my deviantART page.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Two Desktop Mockups

I sneaked two mockups of GNU/Linux desktops that I made completely in Photoshop into both the Ubuntu's August Screenshot Thread and Neowin's August Screenshot Thread, not many people noticed.

Here is the fake Duke Nukem Forever mockup I photoshoped.
Fake Duke Nukem Forever Screenshot Mockup
Ubuntu Simplex mockup.
Ubuntu Simplex Mockup

Steven Gerrard and the Chelsea kid

Not a wallpaper actually but worth sharing if you haven't seen this one already. I had a good laugh watching this. Stevie G knew how to handle this one well.

This gif animation shows how Steven Gerrard handles a situation


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Liverpool FC EPL excitement

In conjunction with the English Premier League 07/08 season starting soon, I created this one that reflects the excitement in preparation for the coming league.

Click image to download